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Nuovo servizio in Hotel Acapulco. Massagio.

Nuovo servizio in Hotel Acapulco. Massagio.

Hotel Acapulco offre ai nostri ospiti un nuovo servizio. È già possibile prenotare un massaggio o un trattamento per il corpo attraverso il nostro servizio di prenotazione in www.hotelacapulcolloret.com.

Terapeutico, circolatorio, anti-stress, riflessologia, linfodrenaggio, peeling, trattamento corpo al cioccolato ... Tutte le tecniche per eliminare il dolore, tensione, blocco di energia, mancanza di tono muscolare o semplicemente dandovi l'opportunità di sentirsi meglio e bello, tutto fatto con oli essenziali, lavanda, rosmarino, limone, arancia ...

È necessario confermare gli orari en el check-in. Il massaggio hanno luogo presso la stessa stanza dell'ospite.

Sentitevi liberi di chiedere tutti questi servizi e prezzi.

Assaggia questo nuovo servizio a trovarci presso Hotel Acapulco!


SPA Treatments

Anti- cellulite treatment that uses seaweed and mud. Thanks to their composition in minerals and trace elements helps to eliminate toxins and purify the skin. Also restores intercellular processes and greatly improves the appearance of cellulite.

Treatment wich the principal agent is cocoa (chocotherapy). For the special composition of cocoa, rich in polyphenols, the chocolate is a good antioxidant and anti-cellulite, as well it’s relaxing and well-being thanks to tryptophan, a substance related to serotonin and endorphin (known as happy hormone).

Aloe Vera , face and body treatment. The aloe plant is known for its moisturizing and regenerating, ideal for after sun exposure thanks to its soothing and decongestant gives the skin a feeling of wellbeing.

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Therapeutic massage: Is a technique massage that helps eliminate or reduce muscle pain, whether of tension, energy blockage or lack of muscle tone.

Relaxing massage: gentle movements are performed, slow and rhythmic. It acts on the nervous system, providing a sense of relaxation and well being.

Circulatory massage: Massage specially indicated to relieve tired legs, performing maneuvers helping the drain of the venous return. In addition, is great after playing sports, because helps eliminating the waste produced by muscular work (lactic acid)

Reflexology: Massage techniques on the feet seeking and massaging the reflex points of the body to relax, tone, balance...

All our massages are made with essential oils, resulting in exquisite aromatherapy massages. Lavender, rosemary, lemon, orange…